Elevator Pitch Competition

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Today was a great day for the CEO organization. We held our Tri-annual elevator pitch competition. In all, 11 people competed for the $$ up for grabs. I first thought, entrepreneurship is hard at work at BYU Idaho. There were great ideas ranging from every kind of product and service.

For those of you who might be wondering, what is an elevator pitch competition, I will tell you. The idea behind an elevator pitch is as though you entered an elevator and there just happened to be a successful entrepreneur in the elevator with you. As a result, you take the 10-15 floors, up or down (I hope 'up' for your sake), to explain the ingenious and innovative idea that you have come up with and try, in that 90 second pitch, to have them buy into what you are trying to do, resulting in a huge wad of cash being dumped into your lap! But really, instead of being in a elevator, you are in a room with a number of judges who tend to be finance guys or gals who then rate your presentation and if they like it, they award you money. It is a pretty awesome.

Competing at a school level is less dramatic but still a great learning experience. Additionally, if you do win, it will probably be the easiest $100 you ever earned for 90 sec of work.

So now you are sitting there thinking, well why didn't I participate? Well, really we are wondering the same thing! But you are in luck, each semester these competitions are held and prices are awarded. So, prepare now and come February 2011, you will be prepared!


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