Elder Jon M. Huntsman on BYU Idaho Campus

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Yesterday we had the great privilege of having one of the most successful entrepreneurs' and philanthropists in the world visit our campus. Jon M. Huntsman is a man of great ability and integrity. As he spoke to the students that Newel K. Whitney Business Summit, all where touched by his love of the Lord and his passion for life. He spoke mostly about us becoming responsible citizens and students and never relenting on our moral and ethical duties. His talk entitled "Personal values determine our success in Business" was a message of optimism is a time when such an attribute is hard to find. He began his talk by giving this admonition "God did not put us here to fail, have faith in yourself, believe in what you are doing and be a person of integrity. It is up to you how your life evolves." Elder Huntsman also spoke about the inevitability of trails and the ever increasing need for sacrifice. He said "Difficulty is the one excuses that history never forgets" but called for our hard work and sacrifice never loosing hope and faith in the Lord no matter the obstacles that we face. 

Elder Huntsman has also been recognized for his philanthropic work throughout the world. more specifically, he has been revered as one of the most generous individuals in the world. His goal and motivation in life is "cancer". Elder Huntsman is a four time survivor of cancer, he watched his mother die in his arms from cancer and he father also passed away from cancer. He have raised billions of dollars for cancer research. The Huntsman Cancer Foundation is leading the way in the fight to cure cancer. This is his real life's work. 

Elder Huntsman was asked in the Q&A session, he was asked what we can do to show our appreciation to those we admire and his response I believe was profound. He said, although i am paraphrasing, "To live a life of integrity is the highest honor we can give to those we admire." 


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