I'm a Communicator and an Entrepreneur

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A wise woman told me, “Johana, believe and it will be; you should know by now that you can achieve great things.”

These words came from a woman who has worked part-time, nurtured five children, and is now battling the life threatening disease of breast cancer. She is the woman that I turn to when my days are dark, and when I lose the motivation to finish what I have started.

She has been my mentor, my guide, and my hero. On difficult occasions, she has not once neglected an opportunity to
direct me to follow my heart. She knows what I want in life, and believes that I will succeed. Her believing in my future gives me confidence in my life changing decisions that I'll make.

I set high expectations for myself and acquire all the knowledge in preparation to achieve my goals and dreams. As a Communication major, I have a dream to one day report the news on broadcast television. My mother’s love and confidence keeps me moving forward, and reminds me to never forget my passions.


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