Crowd Pitch Competition Winners!

Posted Posted by BYU Idaho CEO in Comments 0 comments

Congratulations to Austin Owens (1st Place), Corbin Larsen (2nd Place), and Michael Elrod (3rd Place) in our Crowd Pitch Competition!

The proud winners!
American Idol style voting for the winners

If you were able to attend, please comment below with your favorite idea pitch that you heard. Do you feel that someone else should have won?  Why do you think so?  Do you have a better idea?  Come and participate in the Idea Pitch Competition!

Road Trip!

Posted Posted by BYU Idaho CEO in Comments 0 comments

On May 15th and 16th there was a group of CEO members that were invited to represent BYU-Idaho at a prestigious state-wide competition in Boise, Idaho.  This event was a lot of fun for those in attendance and a great way to build professional business relationships.  For more information about the competition click here.

Here are a couple of highlights during our excursion!

Awesome representative team

Living the good life!

Crowd Pitch

Posted Posted by BYU Idaho CEO in Comments 0 comments

What is the Crowd Pitch?

    CEO holding an event to increase the awareness of our Idea Pitch Competition coming up on October 11th, 2012.  This event is open to all students and we encourage anyone who will be competing in the Idea Pitch Finals to compete. The idea of the Crowd Pitch competition is to give individuals and opportunity to practice and get a better idea of what to expect at the main event later this month. 

How do I win?

    The winners will be determined by the crowd. We will be using the latest technology that allows people from the room to text their votes at the end of the event. We will display the contestants names on a projector and watch as their votes are entered. (similar to American Idol)

How can I get more involved in CEO? 

    It's a fun way to get more people involved and excited about the competitions coming up! We will be sending out invitations to CEO members to sign up to compete.  Any one else who is interested email CEO at